Books & Media
Looking for information on Charles and Ray Eames? Browse our large collection of books on the Eames Office’s impact on the history of architecture, design, film, and photography. In our media category, you’ll also find our collection of many of Charles and Ray’s best films, including their film “Powers of Ten.”

Showing 1–12 of 35 results
1000 Chairs
$25 -
Arts & Architecture 1945-49
$80 -
Case Study Houses. The Complete CSH Program 1945-1966.
$30 -
Design of the 20th Century
$25 -
Eames & Vitra
$65 -
Steinberg Meets the Eameses
$40 -
Eames: Beautiful Details
$59.95 -
Eames Primer by Eames Demetrios
$32.50 -
an Eames anthology
$50 -
Changing Her Palette
$6 -
100 Quotes by Charles Eames
$25 -
Essential Eames: Words & Pictures