& Ray Eames

The Eameses are among the most important American designers of the 20th century, best known for their groundbreaking contributions to architecture, furniture design, industrial design and manufacturing, and the photographic arts.

Explore Our history

Learn about the Eames design ethos and exuberance for life and work.


The stories of Charles and Ray Eames, the staff of the Eames Office, and their design collaborators.

1988 – Today

A glimpse back at the Eames Office since 1988 shows how the legacy has been preserved, communicated, and extended.

Design Process

Discover the techniques, materials, and tooling behind Eames designs.

Eames Office

Established in 1941 by Charles and Ray Eames, the Eames Office made significant contributions to the design world, and today, eighty years later, we remain dedicated to communicating, preserving, and extending the legacy.

Complete Works

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historic and contemporary
Eames Office, and visit Eames-
related sites and exhibitions. 

Eames House

Education Programs

Events & Exhibitions

Museum Collections

Eames Sites

Eames Archives

Herman Miller

Herman Miller is the sole authorized manufacturer of furniture designs by Charles & Ray Eames for all markets except Europe and the Middle East.


Vitra is the sole authorized manufacturer of furniture designs by Charles & Ray Eames for markets in Europe and the Middle East (for Eames La Chaise: worldwide). Vitra is the Eames Office’s worldwide licensing partner for a number of Eames accessory objects and also holds a worldwide license for the Organic Chair (Design: Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen).

Authentic Eames

An authentic Eames design accounts for Charles and Ray’s original intention of materials, production, aesthetics, and functionality. This requires specific partnerships, long-term focus, and more. 

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